Team Building
Our single-day programs are fun, engaging and participants will learn something about themselves and their team, with the intent that they leave more cohesive as a unit.
We build custom programs incorporating elements of the Ultimate Bull Fighting and Equus Experiences based on your team’s unique needs.
Example Agenda of a 2 hour Experience
Tour and site safety overview
Circle check in
Safety review and demonstration with livestock (if animals are present)
Either 1-2 experiences with the horses OR dryland bullfighting exercises
Closing Circle
Example of a Full Day Experience
Tour and site safety overview
Circle check in
Agreement development
Safety review and demonstration with livestock
Temperament experience (learning about own temperament and those on team, including misconceptions, needs, strengths, etc.)
Two equine experiences (can be focused on things like mindfulness, communication, relationship skills, confidence, or others)
Lunch (depending on package, can be provided locally)
Cattle handling safety and overview
Cattle handling experience
Bullfighting simulation training (movement break and fun)
Closing circle and reflection on the day
Team Building programs can be stand alone or as part of a Christmas party or larger organization event.
We will work with you as to what you would like to prioritize in terms of goals.
Prices are dependent on the unique needs of your team and what you are looking for.